I took that hottie home last night and planked her.
by Johnny Tats October 15, 2007
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n Planking

Verb: The art of actively lying down.
The objective of the perfect plank is to have a dead straight body, arms by side, palms facing inwards, toes down or pointed - to mimic a plank of wood.
*Variations are the vertical plank, the inverted plank, the hanging plank, multiple ply plank and many more.
that plank is awesome, it gave me wood

his legs and arms weren't straight, that plank was gammin

dude, what on the hell are you doing? just a bit of planking, care to join me?
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A wooden board nailed to the edge of a boat.
I pushed my boss off the plank.
by Saints October 27, 2003
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An erection.

From "to have wood". Often used to announce morning wood.
I've got a plank!
by Manshenstein February 6, 2011
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someone who is dum and burns there arm hair off.
by guy65483 February 9, 2017
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A person who has no planks for repairs

AKA Dominic
We sunk because of "No Plank" who left a banana on the stove
by Emr🗿 February 8, 2021
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