The latest attempt by car manufacturer Mazda to capture the dollars of its target demographic (ie an advertising slogan). Facilitated on the tv ad by a catchy tune which repeats said words, and a little kid who does the same.
by Josh March 13, 2004
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To be in a crackhead state; bingeing all night on a sweet concoction of Adderall, red bull, and nicotine. Generally experienced by procrastinating college students and skeezers at bars/clubs.
"Dude I'm zooming so hard I could run the train on 50 sorority girls all while memorizing my entire organic chemistry study guide!"

"Those 30 time release got me zooming like a baby sucking on yo momma's teat!"
by rupdaddy April 22, 2008
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To ingest/trip on mushrooms
hey you wanna zoom by the river tonight?
by sasuke May 22, 2004
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The act of getting high with nitrous oxide, especially when in conjunction with cannabis use.
Hey man you want to go get zoomed next friday?
by OnePiece March 21, 2006
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Drinking game, usually played by 4 or more while standing in a circle. ZOOM initiates the game, and is most typically answered by SCHWARTZ (looking at the ZOOMer) or Mafigliano (looking away from the ZOOMer). However, under no circumstances should you ever ZOOM a ZOOM.
Hymie (to Swiller): ZOOM!
Swiller (to Hymie): SCHWARTZ!
Hymie (to Ricardo): ZOOM!
Ricardo (to Flippy): ZOOM!
Flippy (not paying attention): No response
Hymie (to Flippy): DELAY! DRINK!
by Swiller April 6, 2005
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to focus narrowly on someone or something(perhaps from the act of viewing a particular peson or thing from a distance)
The converrsation is likely to zoom in on sex yet again.
by Light Joker March 6, 2007
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a less cancerous way of saying “lit” or “bop” as those have been watered down. ; a very good song
yo sam, this song is zooming!
by phillip micheal February 12, 2019
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