A symbol meaning affirmative or appealling. Can be signalled with the crossing of the arms forming an X. It can be used to state "Yes" or to distinguish someone as being very appealling.

The antonym is O signifying "Out" or "No".
1) Are you in for lunch today? I am X.
2) Did you see that girl in the tight dress? She was a complete X.
by Smooterless4life May 8, 2009
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In bioinformatics, a character used to represent an arbitrary amino acid.
for instance, the X's in C-SKKGXX-S could stand for any of the 20 standard amino acids in the alphabet
by bioinformatician June 27, 2007
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Skater :'Whoa! that kickflip across the roof was x!'
by Evil-Ernie June 6, 2003
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Someone with an affinity for Zer0_Digits, and excellent icon coordination.
That icon fits you perfectly, you're so X
by Logic- January 24, 2007
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The term most commonly used for SQL injection. SQL Injection is when a user inputs a certain code into a PHP automated form which is vunerable so that the user can obtain valuable informaion, ex. a list of passwords.
You go to a forum and do a member lookup on x' OR 'x' = 'x
The mySQL query would look something like SELECT * from members WHERE user = x' OR 'x' = 'x'. This query, instead of returning the member "x" would return every member in the database. This isint useful, but in other cases it would be.
by <b>sniper</b> July 18, 2006
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