A Will is a guy so charming that after a total rager of a party he'll pick up a broom and assist on the clean up. This action tends to have the girls go wild for the Will and often leaves them in tears as to how amazing he is. People may argue this that Will is simping but no, Will is just intelligently playing his cards right to get invites to future functions.

Pulling Will is commonly used in the event of groveling for an uber ride in a very rare case a tactical simp.
Friend 1: "I have no idea how on earth I'm going to get invited to next weeks party"
Friend 2: "Just pull a Will this week and the girls will be raving about how courageous it was for the next week which will definitely secure you an invite"
by HugeWill March 5, 2020
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A will is very sociable, possessive, loves bagels more than girls, and makes horrible puns all the time.
Fucking Will just made a dad joke.
by Max McMan January 11, 2019
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Will’s can be very caring at times but mainly animals. A Will will commonly have strong emotions and is not afraid to express them. Wills also are not the best at self care but what they lack in outward appearance they make up with a personality. Often Wills can make many friends but will also get caught lying to them.
Girl1: Have you talked to Will
Girl2: Yeah but I couldn’t choose if he is just funny or a compulsive liar.
Girl1: But isn’t he so cute!!!
Girl2: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Later Girl1 exits the room and Girl3 enters.
Girl2: What just happened?
Girl3: What?
Girl2: Girl1 thinks that that okay looking, fine personality, can’t stop lying of a boy child named Will is cute.
Girl3: How? He sucks!!!
In Girl3’s head: I think Will is cute!!!
by Iolderthan youhaha August 7, 2019
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He is a amazing person who is a god of all gods and Is a great lacrosses player
by Oh hey there May 11, 2018
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blonde hair. green eyes. hot. buff body. works out almost everyday to impress the ladiesss. sweet talker. flirtatious. sensitive guy. funny.
Girl 1: yea so i was talking to this guy today.. i reallllyyyy like him. he's so nice and sensitive. plus, he's good looking ;)
Girl 2: was his name Will?
Girl 1: yes! how'd you know??
by peopleperson123 July 24, 2010
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Will is the latin term for never ending sexiness. This particular man, altough he was passed up for the god of hair products twice, has been voted People Weekly's Sexiest man alive 39 times, tying with Brad Pitt. Although usually nomadic, he is currently setteled in Newport Beach, due to his preference to warm climate. He joined a nudist colony in April, because he felt tan lines were unflattering. Will does not attend school or have any hobbies; he devotes his time to his looks, trying to become as sexy as humanly possible. His followers have devoted many petitions to him, and he even has gotten nominated for pope but unfortunatly the cardinals found out about the....indescretions..... So in the name of the almost pope, completely gorgeous almost god, lets all get naked.
Chick numero uno- "OMG did you sign the petition for Will?"
Chick numero dos- " Of course i did Will is a sexy beast!"
by Only a Faitful Follower September 14, 2008
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The nicest freaking person ever. He's also super hot and all you wanna do is kiss him. He's into Alternative/Alternative Rock music and is a really great friend. He can be rude sometimes, but nobody's perfect. He has a cat, but it's not as cute as him. Nothing is.
OMG! Will is so hoT!!!!
by Augdude September 13, 2017
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