the absolute best sport there is. high jumpers think that high jumping is better, but that is only because they are not capable of pole vaulting. to be successful in this sport it is vital to have speed, upper body stregth, flexibility, focus, and determination. to pole vault is to be amazing.
brian: i high jump, but my life time goal is to be able to pole vault

victoria: yeah, thats everyones life time goal

brian: i dont think ill be able to accomplish it though:'

by victoria10293847576 June 22, 2007
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~One day during pole vaulting practice~
Vaulter 1: Pole vaulting is the best high there is. I get high every day right here!
Vaulter 2: Yeah man! I LOVE getting high!
(Coach comes and watches vaulting)
Coach: You guys gotta get higher!
Both Vaulters: Alright!
by GemeinhardtGal May 23, 2007
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A pre-ejaculatory maneuver performed during intercourse (generally when the female is 'riding' on top) that is used as an alternative form of contraception. The maneuver involves converting one's momentum into a strong pelvic thrust to toss the female off in order to avoid busting inside of her. This move is particularly useful with 'trappers' who intend to get pregnant without the conscent of the male participant
"I was about to bust, and the bitch wouldn't get off, so i gave that trapping-ass ho the pole vault!"
by mike shay March 4, 2008
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A snot rag. A handkerchief.

A piece of cloth in which sophisticated people carry boogers they have extracted from their noses.
A fastidious young lady always carries a booger vault in her purse.
by Bumkicker Slade May 7, 2005
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Secrets of things that only a true bro would understand and never frown down upon. These secrets are kept between the bro-hood at all costs no matter what. Its a bro thing.
Bro #1: Man I gotta tell you something insane. I accidentally slept with that fat chick last night. I'm gonna be so screwed if my girlfriend finds out.

Bro #2: Don't worry about it man. Your secrets safe within the bro-vault
by GreenMartian November 5, 2011
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Being under "house arrest" because someone belonging to Scientology doesn't want you visible to the public eye.
When Katie Holmes divorced Tom Cruise she finally escaped the "cult vault " he was confining her to.
by atropigal July 15, 2012
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a virtual folder or file consisting of the spiciest pngs, jpgs, or gifs you can find. use to easily supply cancer group chats or instagram shitposts with your spicy pngs, jpgs, or gifs.
Jimmy: Hey I found this meme.
Evan: Oh cool, I'll add it to the meme vault
Jimmy: xdd lol
by bennie22 May 16, 2018
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