A masturbation session done when thinking about or looking at pictures of someone from your past. Could be an ex-girlfriend from a few years back, your high school geography teacher, or anyone you no longer interact with.
With no clubs open and no chances to meet new people, all James could do was knock out a few throwback wanks every night.
by J. Domain February 27, 2021
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A fitted baseball cap with a flat brim. Frequently features a much higher level of craftsmanship than an ordinary baseball cap, and orders of magnitude more expensive. A throwback worn over a doo-rag is a popular style among hip-hop artists and fans.
I'm going down to Lidz to pick up a throwback.
by surfin' bird December 11, 2009
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A now older gentlemen in his mid or late 20's that never adapted to his new age and remains to still rock out his old 90's bro style.
Shaun: Yo look at that guy. what's with his tank, jorts, and vans high tops.

Max: Yuh that shit is so 90's

Shaun: He must be a throwback bro.

Max: Ohh Forr suree!
by Broun Broford. Broax broeria January 25, 2010
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Something from the past that at the time was tolerated or even seemed like a good thing, but by todays standard is looked at negatively. A reference to the Olympics held in Nazi Germany in 1936.
Those separate drinking fountains for blacks and whites are a real 36 throwback.

The way women are treated in other countries its like a nonstop 36 throwback.
by LouisSiuol January 17, 2013
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There are many types of gay's but this gay in particular is over 60 years old and is still trying to mingle with all the boys young and old!
So it was Timmy's birthday on friday and he was buck wild on everyone in the bar!

Oh really? how old is he?


Ohh he's such a throwback gay
by roosterCrow June 26, 2010
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New Gamertag is o ThrOwBaCk o. Quite possibly one of the most prestigous youtube legends on gears of war. Has been to Multiple LAN events.
HOLY SHIT, OOP Throwback is o ThrOwBaCk o. THAT GUYS THE SHIT!
by OOP Mikey January 16, 2008
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When you hook up with someone you used to have sex with in the past.
"I couldn't resist getting that throwback dick when he texted me at 2am."
by Ebonerrrrrr December 10, 2016
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