1. consentual sex (otherwise it is rape; otherwise known as "reindeer")
2. an extremely attractive male
me: "OMG David Tennant is my sheep"
me: "David Tennant is the sheep"
me: "David Tennant is sheep on legs"
me: "David Tennant is sheepy"

gareth david-lloyd, david tennant, john barrowman, jamie T, leonardo decaprio in the nineties, paulo nutini(on his good side), gaspard ulliel, tom felton, james franco, Guillaume Canet, toby hemmingway, mathew mcfadyen, colin firth, hugh grant, johnny depp(duh), adam brody, the guy in the mac commercials, the guy in the New World, orlando bloom, justin timberlake, joshua jackson, burn gorman(for his AMZING acting abilities), heath ledger, paul bettany...etc
by Homeslice of Darkness January 3, 2008
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a farmyard animal that many people like to make fun of for no particular reason.
lol @ that sheep it iz well fat!
by FluffyMcFluffFace March 31, 2008
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An animal that is the butt of many sex jokes.
Did you hear about the one about the flock of white sheep and the one gray baby? Everyone looked at the black farmer who said, "It's not me. I always wear a condom."
by sukebe November 20, 2006
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the super lit word that is used when talking about a group of sheep(or should I say sheeps).
Wow look at those pink sheeps!
by Dylan Peña June 28, 2018
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Sheeps is the new word for a flock of Sheep. It is a multiple collection of sheep
Farmer Says To His Dog - Round Up The Sheeps In Thy Field
by Weekend Wake Up April 15, 2009
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Tampons for extremely large woman
omg i was so heavy on my period i needed a sheep to soak it up
by Samanthaa21 August 17, 2007
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A person who lives in Scotland but not Glasgow their all dirty sheep shagging bastards and their all shit heads
Did you see that person from Aberdeen yes he’s a sheep shagging bastard
by Killallcelticsupporters December 5, 2021
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