That girl in your class that will snich on everyone.
Me:'I didn't do my homework'
Linda: 'I will tell the teacher'
by XxLisa_ December 10, 2021
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Someone dumb that will believe nonsense on the internet poorly written by an unknown writer but has trust issues when it comes to anything that has to remotely involve a male in a real world application.
Wow Linda, you were so right about that one urbandictionary definition.
by NotFirefod August 16, 2018
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When you take a particularly solid, and girthy, shit in someone's lap.
She was being a moody bitch, so I gave her a Linda.
by Glynn Plein July 16, 2018
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A Linda is a middle aged white woman who goes for power walks and eats salad for all three meals of the day. Linda the the person to have a son who listens to rap music so she tries to he hip by saying "what's the hizzle my nizzle!?"
I was at the grocery store and a Linda was looking at the organic dish washer soap
by Littlelinda69 September 14, 2017
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A counter-terrorist woman specialized in destroying ISIS. Also known as "The Kebab Krusher".
"I will destroy ISIS.", said Linda
by Re:MEME:Ber December 2, 2019
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The baddest bitch you will ever meet in your entire life.
She’s a girlboss.
A: Is that Linda?

B: must be, cause she’s a girlboss.
by stigliano November 22, 2021
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girl with way too much self-esteem
loves only herself
Linda: pääsk
by zzz1443 October 14, 2019
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