Noun: The area between the scrotum and the anal sphincter
Verb: To poke said area with one's hand or an implement, the latter is known as an implement gooche.
1. "Argh! My Gooche Hurts"
2. "I'm Gonna Gooche The Shit Outa You!"
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Term for an older, bitter engineer or computer programmer that thwarts all requests to do work by employing various strategies such as ignoring the request, complaining they are "too busy", criticizing the request as "completely idiotic" or intimidating the requester until they simply go away crying. Gooches are also great at blaming others when problems arise and are are very successful at getting others to do their work for them because they "can't be bothered".
Boy: Do you think the gooch knows anything about this database?
Girl: I think so, but last week i asked him a question and he almost chopped my head off. You ask him, i don't feel like getting gooched again.
by ZippyFerguson July 26, 2010
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A person so invested in a specific topic that any time the subject is breached they ruin the conversation by picking apart banal minutiae for an extended period of time
Tom: "What did you think about Inception?"
Rick: "Oh God, don't bring it up. I just listened to two gooches talk about totems for hours..."
by zachfree January 28, 2011
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late 20th century word for vagina (Canadian), in vogue among lesbians.
Oh Doris, let me get that gooch!
by Hal Jackson April 6, 2006
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During an argument, when someone repeatedly changes the topic to ensure they always win.
I was trying to make my point with this guy, but he kept gooching to make himself look good and win the argument.
by metlhead4life March 14, 2008
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one of the most notorious and feared street gangs in the uk who come from an area in manchester called moss side
by gio TT September 18, 2006
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When you take a shot, do a line, and then take a shot again
Josh did ten Gooch's one time and got really fucked up.
by Pmack April 10, 2015
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