A system of measurement used by most of the world and propagated by pompous and pathetic Europeans/Asians/etc. who lack understanding of mathematics.

While you will find most socialist, war-losing Europeans talking about how the metric system is too hard for Americans to understand, is funny because the metric system is in place because of EASE OF USE. The imperial system of measurement is far more difficult and requires more thorough knowledge. That 12 inches are in 1 foot, 5280 feet in 1 mile. While the rest of the world was too idiotic to comprehend that, they developed a system of 10s to help them feel better about losing wars.

The imperial system has a main divisor of 2, while the metric system has a base of 10.

The metric system can not be visualized in any way, while any person can say that something is an inch, a foot or even a mile at the slightest glance.

The metric system was the reason for the Mars climate orbiter crash of 1999, which goes to show, it's not exactly as incredible as the surrender monkeys on the other side of the earth wish it was.
Pompous European Queer: lOlol Wow AmeriKa u So Stupid war for oil metric system!11

American: Go lose another war you cliche faggot.
by JacksonVHT July 11, 2008
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The never ending upward spiral!

Your computer must at least match the "system requirements" in order to run the software or hardware.
System Requirements for Bla2004

2.5GHz processor
500Mb RAM
128Mb GPU memory :-(
Windows XP
.. and something you haven't got! >:-/
by IP Freely February 4, 2004
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The Sol System is a star system in the Milky Way's Outer Rim. Centered around a yellow dwarf known as Sol, it includes 8 planets. Of the 8 plants only 3 orbit in Sol's habitual zone, Venus (Uninhabited due to it's suffering from a runaway greenhouse effect.), Terra (Inhabited by a number of life forms, several intelligent and 1 Level 0.9 civilization. However, it is currently undergoing the Holocene Mass Extinction, it's 6th, and the local civilization has a fetish for dissecting (still living) visitors so travel to this world is ill advised.) and Mars (An uninhabited and geologically dead desert world.). It is ruled by the Terrans (Though their grip on power beyond the Terran System (A planetary system within the Sol System.) is weak almost to the point of being non-existent.) and is a largely irrelevant system on the larger galactic scale.
The Sol System is home to the primitive and warlike Terrans who seem to think they will rule the galaxy someday.
by Mooklum September 20, 2011
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A set of words letting you know if you have to pay lots of money in the near future.
Doug: What's system requirements on that thing?
Bob: I think I'm going to have to buy a new computer, for this.... what's your name again?
Doug: Doug.
Doug: I hate it when that happens.
by NESMonster February 2, 2004
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Okay, people with strong opinions here, I respect that, but some are just a bit too fucking intense. If you'd like my opinion, (Undoubtabley if you're reading this,) here it is.

SOAD is unique. They are definitely in the top 10 bands out there, due to their intelligent, deep, political lyrics, blended with amazing vocals, and excellent guitars. I highly recommend the song "Toxicity" to start out with, just as an experimental taste, and if you DO like them, get the albums. Me, I hope they continue to tell the truth about america in their deep, philisophical melodies. (They've been around since '95, too, just is anyone wanted to know.)
Guy: Hey, did you get Toxicity?
Chick: Yeah, it kicked ass, where can I get some more?
by Alec Girard September 9, 2004
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Abbreviated "OS", an operating system is software that provides the user with an interface as well as hardware support and support to run and use applications. Operating systems also accept input and display output by communicating with hardware and interacting with any respective applications or system software that might be using that hardware.
Windows, Windows NT, MacOS, UNIX, Novell Netware, DOS, BSD and BeOS are all examples of operating systems. Linux on the other hand, is a kernel.
by Gary Destruction June 21, 2003
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I was so drunk anything was fair game if not for the limpdick system I would of chewed my arm off when I sobered up
by Tonythetiler November 19, 2017
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