23 definitions by Gary Destruction


1. Something or someone that exists or behaves in contradiction to itself or himself
2. Application from the Corel Office Suite
1. He fought a battle that he was ultimately opposed to.
2. Some companies use Corel Paradox for their databases
by Gary Destruction June 20, 2003
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Windows 2000

A much user-friendlier and hardware supportive version of the Microsoft Windows NT family of Operating Systems. Windows 2000 while not officially declared as NT 5.0 is basically just Windows NT 5.0 with Plug and Play support, EFS, NTFS 5.0 and a host of other features that are not available in Windows NT 4.x.
Windows 2000 is the best microsoft operating system available right now.
by Gary Destruction August 28, 2003
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1. Electronics: Transistor to transistor logic
2. Networking: Time to live; the amount of time a record will remain cached.
1. Logic circuits use TTL
2. You might want to change your default TTL 128 if it's not already.
by Gary Destruction June 12, 2003
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Condition commonly mistaken for MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder). Schizophrenia like the name suggests means a split, but not a split in personality. Schizophrenia is a split in perception that causes an individual to become detached, isolated and remote from reality and from the rest of society. A person experiencing schizophrenia might see things in a way that he can only understand. He might also experience hallucinations such as hearing voices and seeing things, paranoia, feelings and thoughts of persecution and feeling like he is in another world.
by Gary Destruction July 19, 2003
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UK82 actually started in 1979 with bands like the Threats.
The biggest battle during the UK82 era was punks vs mods.
by Gary Destruction July 16, 2003
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UK82, street punk and 77 are the only real punk.
by Gary Destruction June 10, 2003
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