Your last year of high school. Though these upperclassmen deserve respect, they demand it like assholes, and are treated by the other classes as such.
I'm a freshman who kicked the crap out of a senior.
by Brian Myers November 30, 2007
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An academic and physical malaise that afflicts high school seniors that begins in May and lasts until graduation once they have been accepted into college or univeristy.
Grade 12 fatigue, academic illness, school sickness high school blues
Jennifer's senioritis was so advanced that she was never able to attend any morning classes in the spring of 2008 as she slept away her mornings.
by zuker May 22, 2008
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Something commonly found in high school seniors, that ive had since freshman year.
Senior: Dude your a sophomore?
Me: Yeah.
Senior: I had no clue, you have major senioritis.
Me: Man ive had that since i got here
by Por Que!!!!!!!!!!! June 24, 2011
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(noun)- a mental condition that affects both the frontal and temporal lobes of the human brain, causing interferences with primary brain functions such as the regulation of consciousness, capacity for learning, production of dopamine, memory formation and recollection of data

Side effects may include, but are not limited to hypersomnia, academic amnesia, chronic apathy, Taco Bell, tardiness, temporary illiteracy, Netflixophilia and spending more time trying to produce a clever Facebook status than working on homework assignments

Ask your doctor to tell your professor how Senioritis is affecting you today.
by tacohell April 15, 2014
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Dope, cool, rad. Senior is an adjective for anything that's wicked.
Babe, your shoes are sooo senior.
You aced the exam? That's majorly senior.
by Angela I. Britain September 8, 2009
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When you are a senior and don't feel like doing anything but celebrating the last few weeks of your college career.
Oops! I should have gone to class yesterday since we did have a test. My senioritis has really kicked in.
by Chelt April 12, 2004
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"The school doctor was here the other day, and he diagnosed me and five others with Senioritis. Man, this sucks."
by linda September 29, 2006
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