The talented and amAZIng actor best known for playing Benji on the show Love, Victor.
Person 1: "My comfort actor is George Sear."
Person 2: "Me, too."
by Yipyapx June 27, 2021
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He is the type of guy that’s a master of every craft. On a scale of 1-10 you’d find him breaking the scale every single time (he is just too good).

He is a polymath who is academically inclined, philosophical, poetic, romantic, emotionally intelligent, immensely disciplined and principled & on the other hand, he is an assassin of a martial artist; being a master of 8 martial arts, and fluent in 5 languages—yet he has the softest heart you have ever encountered.

If you had the honor of being noticed by him for even an instant, you’ve won the biggest lottery & if he has spoken to you, then you have hit the jackpot.
Girl 1: Hey did Sear ask you out?
Girl 2: No! But he said if he found me virtuous he would consider courting me… what a rare man 🫦
by Marie-Anne December 30, 2022
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To sears or be searsin is to ball out or apply a term of comedic genius within casual conversation.
Are you searsin’ right now?”
by Swaggy surpeme March 2, 2022
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A company that Eddie Lambert is trying to buy, probably for illegitimate reasons, out of bankruptcy.
Eddie Lambert is trying to buy Sears, a company that is about bankrupt.
by 4E5V6A7n 4yvc8896o87u755t976u6 January 11, 2019
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i’m serious, don’t fw me rn
by tylerbloopy July 11, 2022
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when you barely cook a nice thick juicy steak till its blood red in the middle. Even Rarer than rare
1. "that mutha fuker is gonna get put on the grill and seared near to perfection"

2. Damn joe steak so raw it is Seared near
by off the Hizzy August 8, 2014
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Hell on earth. Ruled by the turtle-troll.
Hey have you been to that new Harmony Sears store?

Hell no, I don't want my soul to be eaten by the turtle-troll.
by BrettinskiOtriad April 26, 2010
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