When someone says something and another person completes it or adds to it using a part of a tiktok
Person A: my man should have an average dick not a big dick
Person B: can't take big dick just suck on it
Person C: huh
Person A: you won't understand it's a tiktok reference
by crackiana9000 February 9, 2020
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a piece of information that you have pissed off
wow i shouldn't have told that refernce i slept with its mum, its pretty pissed. Never seen such a cross-reference
by alf-ace February 22, 2008
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A subspecies of the human race that will start sining "Golden Wing" whenever:
A. Alone
B. Eating wings
C. Fucking a hot chick
Girl: Cum in my pussy!
Jojo Reference: Ok, here goes!
Girl: AaAHhhAh!
Jojo Reference: Jojo, dododododo, golden wing, dodododo
Girl: Holy shit I am pregnant
Jojo Reference: Can we name them Jojo, Dio, or Giorno?
Girl: Not yours bitch
Jojo Reference: Jojo, dododododo, golden wing, dodododo
by WildCard+4 November 18, 2020
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His baseball cap perched on his head at a strange angle was an oblique cultural reference
by Peatsham December 21, 2016
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A phrase exclaimed when a reference to something is made. Accompanied by the person who said "reference gun" making two finger guns with their hands and shooting them while simultaneously saying, "pew pew!"

Coined by Zoe Small.
Person 1: I did it in 10 seconds flat!

Person 2: That makes it 20% cooler! Reference gun, pew pew!

Person 3: There are giants in the sky! There are big tall terrible giants in the sky! Reference gun, pew pew!

Person 1: *Looks strangely at Persons 2 and 3.*
by zoeshamrock January 9, 2012
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Something that can be linked back to the anime Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Usually shouted by a 12 year old fan across the room after hearing about an 80's rock band.
Mark: hey, have you heard this song by aerosmith?
by Cannabis baby February 22, 2022
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Some disgusting sexual references: Charleston Chew Alaskan Firedragon Dirty Sanchez Alabama Hotpocket Panamanian Petting Zoo Maui Mudslide Mississippi Meathook

...and pretty much anything that ends in "steamer"
by D-Miles October 1, 2006
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