An online pedofile, See King-Of-Chat. Also known as "Jamaling."
"Kids, watch out for a Prince-Of-Chat in chatrooms devoted to legal topics."
by Jamal-the-Small April 15, 2008
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posh guy who cant sweat... or keep himself away from 17 year olds
guy 1 : wow its hot out here am sweating buckets
guy 2 : ye fuckin wish I was prince andrew
by oh hell November 18, 2019
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A person who gets others to enjoy something before it is mainstream
Kyle: "I put all of my friends onto BabyTron, I am the Put on Prince"
Nick: "You coined the term Put on Prince to call me so I am the Put on Prince"
Kyle: "I invented the term Put on Prince so by definition I am everyone's Put on Prince"
by A Told Story January 21, 2022
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Prison Warder : We've got a couple of Prince Andrews on B-wing
by q o l September 21, 2019
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The sexiest Disney prince since Prince Eric ("The Little Mermaid", 1989) and Aladdin ("Aladdin", 1992). He is the newest Disney prince and appears in the movie "The Princess and the Frog" (2009). You will definately be having cartoon lust during the whole movie.
Girl 1: Did you see "The Princess and the Frog"?
Girl 2: Yeah, that Prince Naveen is so sexy!
Girl 1: Agreed.

Girl 1: Prince Naveen is so hot! He might just be hotter than Aladdin!
Girl 2: Definately! He's like the badass version of Prince Eric!

Girl 1: I just saw "The Princess and the Frog" today, that prince was so sexy! I had cartoon lust during the whole movie!
Girl 2: I know! I don't even care that he was a frog for most of the film, it was still hot as hell!
by ronmoni December 24, 2009
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A Man of High Profile, who comes from Extreme Wealth, as a Prince. But, one who’s insufferably idiotic, and of low moral standards and very extreme outburst of anger, especially with media and cameras. 2. One who will screw the sleaziest women, to which he follows like a puppy dog, marries and has his balls ripped off by his wife, after 18 months of Marriage. 3. One who is reduced to that of a Spineless Wimp, even his Own Family, contemplates disowning him, and agrees (by meeting) to keep him on, only part time, out of pity. 4. Is Class confused, doesn’t know the value of £1million and is greedy beyond imagination. 5. Drops the mic, then drops his own Grandmother the Queen, for nasty 40 year old Twat.
Don’t you have your own opinions? Don’t go all Prince Harry on me now!

So broke and desperate I may need to go all Prince Harry.

If you bring a Prince Harry home, you better have 2 jobs to pay to live!

Are you for real? Or are you going Prince Harry on me?
by Karma is Rich January 15, 2020
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The act or the process of focusing all of one’s attention on Prince Rogers Nelson. May be done in various forms, which include visual and auditory. Usually results in joy and satisfaction, but does not ever seem to be enough.
Can you stop Prince-ing for a minute & listen to me?”
“Are you Prince-ing AGAIN?”
by judi prn4ever March 4, 2019
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