An extremely long drum solo by Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham. The best drum work ever, hands-down.
Stfu, Moby Dick owns 50 cent any day.
by bonzorocks May 22, 2004
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When you are banging a chubby white girl from behind and her big ass is up in the air... you pull out and spew all over her back while yelling "Thar she blows!"
"I "Moby Dick'd" that girl I picked up last night!"
by SamAmy October 15, 2008
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A penis with a strong fishy odor from intercourse with a female who doesn't keep her vagina clean.
The people involved with the intercourse in question are the only ones who don't notice the stink.
Most anybody else within five yards or so will smell it and be physically sick.
Short of amputation, the only way it can be cured is to soak and scrub the area with a strong pine disinfectant.
Chuck: Did you fuck that skanky bitch?
Willy: Sure did, and it was good.
Chuck: Eeugh! Moby dick, man!
Willy: Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit.
by knottawanker February 21, 2010
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Someone whos laugh changes from laughing like a fat bear to sqealing like a mouse, this laugh is used to attract a mate, they also use their eyebrows to send signs to their fellow moby cocks, also cant stand still because they need a shit, they also have a back full of pubes which they use to scare off predators.
Hey lee, that moby cock is wiggling his eyebrows at us again
by darren and lee November 16, 2006
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When a man masturbates in a body of water (hot-tub, pool, lake) just as he is about to ejaculate he sticks only his dick-head out of the water and the spurts of jism look like a whale spouting water while surfacing.
I was in the hotel pool and pulled The Moby Dick but there were no towels around to clean up. I hope the chlorine is strong.
by Bewls Rules June 4, 2010
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To dance...get your groove on
Heather...I so cannot wait for prom so I can bust a moby on the dance floor.
by Jordan May 8, 2003
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The act of wiping your mobile phone screen after it becomes dirty or smudged
Eg when you come off a call and your screen is dirty following it being stuck to your ear and you have to give it Mobi-Wipe clean...
by Andy Collett March 20, 2007
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