Can refer to the 2002 Lord of the Rings role-playing game (Middle-Earth Role Playing)
A-"I really want to play D&D but want the setting to be in Middle-Earth!"
B-"Then why don't we play MERP?!"
by Vorsicon May 9, 2015
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Dylan has a lot of merps!
by Dylan October 24, 2003
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To pass out on the couch after a long day of drinking magnums of red wine.
I can't wait to get a magnum of Rex Goliath and merp out tonight.
by Silkyjohnson January 18, 2014
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Something to say when the words merp, or derp is mentioned, mostly used by fabulous people.
Jeffery: Merp
Hillary: Derp
Both: Merp-a-Derp
by PANDAmonium March 7, 2014
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Merp and Derp's are usually the best friends in the whole world. They are usually weird, fun to be around, funny, and all around awesome!
My friends all think that me and my sister are Merp and Derp's. best friends weirdo's awesome people sisters
by Princess Unicorn 08 Sparkles October 11, 2015
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When a situation is beginning to become awkward. You know that it is about to be a merp situation however to avoid saying merp in the near future you warn the person you're talking to by saying "merl alert" which insists that they are about to say something merp worthy...
Are you going out tonight? we should meet up.

3 hours later....

..merp alert

"oh sorry I totally forgot to respond!"

-yea...... merp.
by zunit469 February 21, 2015
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The act of giving a person a hickey. To merp the neck of a significant other.
Whoa, Anna, where'd you get that huuge neck merp?
by Renaandyson March 10, 2012
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