Lust is the second layer of Hell, in-between Limbo and Gluttony. This layer is reserved for the souls who just wanted to spend all of their time gangbanging, but unfortunately Husks don't have junk. The punishment for this layer was heavy winds that would push the residents around without rest. However, Minos thought that eternal suffering was too cruel for those whose only sin was loving another. As such, when the angels pulled out of Hell during the crisis in Heaven caused by the Disappearance of God, Minos ushered in the Lust renaissance, during which time the layer was converted into a massive city where the buildings would protect the husks within from the harsh winds of the layer. This renaissance was abruptly halted when Gabriel slew Minos, causing the parasites within him to begin controlling his corpse and destroying the landscape
person1: " I like drawing minos prime fucked Gabriel"
person2: " You belong to lust layer"
person1: " :3 "
by soundwave's bitch July 22, 2023
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20 layers can be interpreted as

1) Formal Someone overdressing/having too much on

2) Slang Putting on an acceptable amount of clothing for cold weather
1) "You'd think it was cold, look at him with his 20 layers,

2) "It was bare blitz so I bust out 20 layers, you get me fam?"
by Gandalfia October 25, 2013
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A triple cross between "mental flow," "zoning out," & "ozone layer" that refers to a person's state of mind when they're focusing intensely on something; i.e. an essay, video game, TV show, book, or project.

If a person focuses intensely enough, they will become enveloped in an impenetrable wall of concentration, which functions similarly to the earth's ozone layer. This "flowzone layer" acts as a shield that tunes out any possible distracting agents.

The strength or fragility of the flowzone layer depends on its ratio of "recepticons" (particles that promote listening) to "oblivi-ons" (particles that promote ignoring). If there are more recepticons, the flowzone layer will be weaker, making the focusing person more susceptible to outside interference. Likewise, more oblivi-ons will result in a stronger layer that is highly resistant to distractions.

Just as destroying the ozone layer is bad for the earth, attempting to breach the flowzone layer can have damaging effects on the focusing person. If a big enough hole is created, it will let in large amounts of harmful "UV" (Uncomfortable Vexation) rays that disrupt the person's concentration, making the person increasingly hot with frustration. Frequent enough annoyances can cause the frustration to transform into rage, resulting in the "Scream-house Effect." The Scream-house effect is to be avoided at all costs, and this can be done by simply LEAVING THE FOCUSING PERSON ALONE.
"Honey, did you talk to our son Jimmy?"
"I tried, but I couldn't get through to him. That little game of his must have caused him to form a flowzone layer. It's hopeless."

"Dude, quit trying to show me those YouTube videos! I'm trying to do math here and you're disrupting my flowzone layer."
"Sorry bro."
"Yeah, you better be."

"Wanna go to Jimmy John's?"
"I said 'Wanna go to Jimmy John's?'"
"That's one hell of a flowzone layer you got there, bud."
by Jon B-C January 26, 2014
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A layer of coziness that surrounds a person, much like the ozone layer surrounds the earth.
Noooo my cozone layer. Now I'm not cooooozzzyyy/
by davesound April 28, 2016
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see: Obone

A regular occurrence in the office environment: whereby male members of the workplace become hooked to the underside of their desks by an involuntary erection, leaving them in a precarious situation and unable to walk around the office freely.

The Obone Layer refers to the stretched material covering the protruding tip of the penis, and is a barrier between the obone and the office atmosphere.

A useful tip is to trap the head of the penis under the buckle of ones belt, thus reducing the effect of the oboner.
Guy A: "Had the best day at work today"
Guy B: "Oh Really?!"
Guy A: "Yeah, I had this crazy obone, and Melanie leaned over to get a stapler off my desk. She definitely touched the Obone Layer!"
Guy B: "Omg, I'm well jelly!"
Guy A: "Yeah, I was well moist."
by Aemsk May 25, 2011
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Someone's ass crack.
Derived from mini wheats commercial when a wheat square has its robe a bit low and you can see his eight layers of whole wheat
Guy 1 :Look at that chick's 8 layers.
Guy 2 :Ya man she has to pull up her pants. No one wants to see the forbidden forest.
by the_bear1026 May 4, 2011
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Lesbian, one who exhibits the qualities of a lesbian. One who by definition of a lesbian prefers sexual fulfillment from another woman's genitalia (slang. carpet ) The term laid (to lay) is applied to carpet resulting in carpet layer.
Those women holding hands over there must be carpet layers!
by Gimli July 9, 2003
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