Twin flames. A love between both continues through lifetimes. No dagger nor flame will ever stop them from crossing paths in any life. His heart burns. Her heart burns but neither will be able to see it. Two souls more made for each other never shall there be but between her Colin and his Kobi.

Years shall pass and yet like shards of glass once they have fallen they splinter again and again. Reflecting on memories and experiences that could have withheld the test of time.

Her love for him will never fade. Not ever.

Once they come together, never will they part. She will love him with all his faults and he will love her with all her scars. In each lifetime.

No other flames burn as bright as Colin and Kobi.
Even though Colin and Kobi have known each other since high school, they’ve loved each other for lifetimes.
by Lovematchmiss January 31, 2023
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Jerking it 10 or more times in a day.
Guy 1Ay dude my dick hurts like hell!
Guy 2 why?
Guy 3 he was pullin a koby
by Fan board August 18, 2013
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A super hot and sexy boy who is always there for others. Can make everyone in the room smile. Friendly to everyone, but isn't popular.
I want Kobi to fuck me.
by Tobu1234 May 24, 2021
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This collest richest dude to ever walk the earth aand ladies would die for him
Your a kobi
by kobididit June 15, 2020
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