An Alzheimer's ridden piece of wrinkled shit who singlehandedly destroyed America by raising the prices of every goddamn thing in the country, making deals with communist china, and trying to get involved with the piece of shit country of Ukraine

Normal sane person: Beats the shit out of blue haired betty.
by Boe Jiden, Faglover July 6, 2022
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The worst president to ever live. The man has problems and he is an imbecile. He is a racist and he doesn’t deserve to be president. He will make this country worse and he is going to destroy our nation. GET RID OF SLEEPY JOE
Did you see Joe Biden sleeping today while giving his speech?
Yeah and he was stuttering too
What an asshole
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Joe Biden: Noun. A creepy old dude that shows no respect for ones personal space, especially females. Known to sniff the hair of young woman while holding them by the shoulders to thwart an escape.
That motherfucker just Joe Biden'ed me.
by Drunk Edith November 7, 2020
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a corrupt democratic idiot who thinks hes gonna beat Donald Trump. Has ugly tiny squinty eyes and a brain even smaller.
Joe Biden is a complete load of crap
by chicken nerd October 23, 2020
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Served as the Vice President under the worst president ever- Barack Obama. Joe Biden is currently attempting to become the 46th President of the United States, and only brain dead dumbasses are stupid enough to give them there vote. He has dementia and is no fit for president. Once again, he is a Democrat that will lead millions of mindless sheep into voting and will do nothing for them in return. A prime example of what makes the radical left a braindead group of animals.
1. “There has been over 120 Million deaths from Covid” -Joe Biden

2. “My leg hairs turn blonde in the sun and kids come up to me and rub them” -Joe Biden

3. “CMON MAN!!” -Joe Biden

4. “I was a democratic caucus. You ever been to a caucus? No you haven’t, you’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier” -Joe Biden
by Epstein October 17, 2020
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Stumbling mumbling idiot who is destroying America one dementia episode at a time
Did you see Joe Biden s speech last night? I don't know what waffles have to do with fixing the border crisis but it was funny
by AmericanMan$$$ May 12, 2022
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J - joke of the century
O - oh where the hell am I again?
E - empty-headed nincompoop
B - bumbling fool who didn't win the election
I - inflated ego
D - does anybody know what the hell I'm doing here because I sure don't!
E - everything I say is a lie
N - not my president
Sleepy Joe Biden is the favorite president of brain-dead idiots everywhere!
by Icy Wyte July 21, 2022
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