Two bad hopping, tequila shootin, man eating, cougar driving, grass parking, garbage bucket throwing, driveway fallers. Both are extremely hot, smart, funny, sarcastic & MUST be very tan with brunette hair the other MUST be white with platinum hair. Best friends for life.
yo those two girls are SO Ebony & Ivory

lets pull and Ebony & Ivory tonight
by tbad21 January 2, 2011
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An often very attractive or successful black woman who only dates successful and desirable/attractive white males. These men are thought by white women as having been lured and stolen away by what they view as a novelty in the sexy, well to do black woman. The thought being that they should stick to their own men. The Ivory Poachers motives range from simple preference to spiteful retribution so the term can be applied lightly as a humorous description, or harshly as an insult.
"I should introduce shawna to my cousin Pookie".... "Nah girl, she a Ivory poacher...she like dat cream"

"I really thought there was something growing between Brandon and I...but now he's dating that black chick with the Mercedes...fucking Ivory poacher!"
by RoG03 August 31, 2016
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A beautiful and challenging map in the video game "Halo 2". Originates from the way Bootron looks down at Noodle from atop the scoreboard (his figurative "ivory tower") after pwning him badly on this particular level.
Bootron completely PWND Noodle in Ivory Tower last night.
by Sean Boots December 15, 2004
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An ivory tower is an Eiffel Tower style threesome that occurs on top of a grand piano. This threesome is made up of two men and one woman. All three participants are positioned on a closed grand piano with the woman inbetween the two men. She performs a blow job on one man while being penetrated doggy-style by the other man.
Person 1: "What would you do if you won $10,000?"
Person 2: "Well I've never played the piano before but I'd probably buy one just to have an ivory tower on it."
by JackSparrow11 September 27, 2017
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Hottest Lady Gaga Impersonator in toronto.
Hey have you seen Ivory Towers this weekend? The bitch was levelling it!
by chrisskayy August 11, 2011
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A syndrome affecting the dedicated academic who stays up in the tower studying and writing and avoiding the rest of the world but which often results in a profound disconnection from others.
That guy has an advanced case of Ivory Tower Syndrome which may account for his paralyzing shyness.
by Dr Bunnygirl December 6, 2019
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A strain of very potent Marijuana that has little red vines running across it.
"Yo will, that red ivory is dank as hell. Smoking that shits like breathing air"
by dankman69 May 23, 2007
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