When a female lays on her back and make a fist with her hand so you can make love to it.
My lady was on her rag so she gave me a Humphrey.
by Diddypop October 30, 2021
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Hu = One True God (Sanskrit)
Hum = Highest (Tibetan)
Phrey = Supreme Lord (Nordic)
Rey = King (Spanish)

Humphrey = One True God King of Kings or One True God Supreme King
In that time, Humphrey will walk with you forever and ever.
by HDGA22 November 23, 2021
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The only bad thing about Humphrey is his parents bad choice in names.

Imagine the hardest muscles you've ever seen; those pecs of steel, that 6 pack of doctor pepper- this is Humphrey using 1% of his power. Humphrey's jawline is more defined then Dwayne Johnson's bald patch. He has to shave every day (example of how much of an alpha male Humphrey is), and he bullies people who watch anime and use neopronouns.

Honestly, Humphrey is the ultimate life form.
Kid1: Man, I wish I was as sexy as Humphrey is.
Kid2: Yeah, Humphrey get's all the bitches...
by IPullBitches April 24, 2022
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A large and stale bowel movement that has been inside you for 48 hours. “Hey, what’s that smell?!Do you have a sewage problem?” “No, Jimmy took a Humphrey.”
“Damn, did a sewage line break?” “ No, Jimmy took a Humphrey.”
by Mark Tweak January 23, 2021
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Brandon Humphrey is someone who is extremely self obsessed and a loves them self more than any else in the world. They typically wear glasses and they also run their fingers through their hair anytime they see them selves in the mirror. Brandon Humphrey is also known for dating those who are years younger than them to the point it gets really creepy. They also make thousands of threat like “I’m going to knock this person out” but never does it because he’s actually smaller and weaker than everyone else but they are mostly known for their lies. Brandon Humphrey lies about almost everything wether that is being chased by the kkk or killing a man.
Damn, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, your acting like a Brandon Humphrey.
by Brandon Humphrey October 17, 2021
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Pulling a Humphrey is when one inserts/penetrates an individual of the female sex whilst discarding/contracting contents of the uterine walls.
I’m so lonely and the bitch next door is on her period and just got chlamydia from unit 11, fuck it I’ll pull a Humphrey.
by A Helping Friend December 11, 2019
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When you pass someone the pen and they just keep holding it.
“Hey Humphrey Bogart, you wanna pass that back??”
by MilkHandles June 6, 2020
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