A piece of cloth specifically used to wipe an ash tray clean.
great Odin's beard! my ash tray is full, where is my hitler's hanky.
by monkeyislandproductions January 21, 2014
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Any fabric implement used for the mopping up of semen after a good episode of one handed love making
I’m out of tissues, I need to find a wankie hankie
by Tempo82 August 5, 2019
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A term used to address somebody when you're too drunk to recognise whos talking to you
Guy: Bro! Get the fuck away from my girl... I'm gonna kick the shit outta you!
Drunk: ...Buck...the fack...up...ya Hanky Bastard

Jon: James you just puked on my shoes asshole!
James: ...haha, you hanky bastard.........damn straight
by pseudodactyl November 3, 2010
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A game played by men and women in a group where the woman places a clean pressed handkerchief (hanky) around a mans testicles / scrotum (sack) and massages the testies with the handkerchief so the man gets an erection.

Once a full erection is reached, another person in the group starts a stopwatch / timer as the woman continues to massage the testies in order to make the man ejaculate. As soon as the man ejaculates the timer is stopped. The woman or the man cannot touch the penis during this time as it will result in disqualification.

If the man ejaculates in less that 1 minute he gets 5 points, less than 2 minutes he gets 4 points, less than 3 minutes he gets 3 points...etc.., after 5 minutes, if the man has not ejaculated he is disqualified. However if the man has a very large ejaculation he can gain a bonus point.

Other handkerchiefs can be placed on around the mans groin and stomach as an additional turn on and to catch the ejaculate.

The woman can also strip naked and play with her nipples / vagina to encourage the mans ejaculation.
Derek managed to score 6 points in last night’s game of Hanky Sack. It took him only 23.7 seconds to ejaculate and required 3 handkerchiefs to clean up afterwards!
by Hanky Sacker April 6, 2010
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A condom, that has been used for once, or generally multiple times for fornication, generally found in the trash or bedside tables.
Henry: I found a Jizz Hanky in my sister's trash can.
Guy 2: Dude, thats some fucked up shit.. Gross.....
Daniel: what the fuck?
by Dickballs29 January 31, 2009
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The act of partaking in sexual activites (i.e. beej, bonage, blumpkin)
Yo broton, me and that dime got deep into some country style hanky stanky.
by Simon Brolivar November 17, 2009
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(v) The holding of a male mexican's "Frankie" in between a folded hankerchief and pouring mustard & relish across the shaft, then throat-fuck it to a fat cowgirl.
The large cowgirl: "I'm starving for hot dog!"

Mexican Juan: "Will a Fra-Hankie do?"
by SAG & SMG July 23, 2006
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