"Cheque" - as in Gregory Peck.

another example of Rhyming slang being used for 2 different words (this slang is also used for "neck")
"There's no way I'm gonna accept anything but cash from you son, your last Gregory bounced like a superball"
by Dougal474 October 26, 2006
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When your girl sticks razor blades in her pussy and you fuck her to achieve an improvised circumcision, whilst also putting the both of you in critical condition
Girl: “Are you uncircumcised? Lemme give you a dirty Gregory!”
by Sticky Manny December 21, 2022
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the most awsome smart-ass on the planet. His constent rule breaking usually happens to save lives.
lisa cuddy: by doing that you could have killed him

Gregory house: Well... now we have a new option
by n00blet Mc newbie July 11, 2008
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The most white and generic name you will ever find. Nice guy and barely pulls his weight. Greg is the guy who will never study but will somehow pull off 72% to 89% on any math test. Talented dude and VERY aware of it. This is the type of guy who will spend hours practicing his moonwalk, only to be the only one to admire it in the mirror. A great friend and with a great laugh and sense of humour. Such a great friend that his girlfriend is almost his friend. Apart from his hair, moonwalk abilities, friendships and grades, Greg loves the theatre and SNL, a very bad mix when taking part in the school Talent Show. By far, the ABSOLUTE best thing about Greg is without a doubt, and I say this without hesitation and with the most honest opinion, that when confronted by Wonder Woman and her lasso of truth I would not lie, are his AMAZING, TRUSTWORTHY, LOYAL, NEVER-WAVERING, FOREVER SUPPORTIVE AND STUPENDOUS friends. Greg's truly outstanding entourage consists of the semi-Asian, (nerd) short guy, semi-Asian and semi-girlfriend girlfriend, the "not" couple: Strong (wo)man and brutally honest blondie, and the wimpy Italian with the white patch named after a dog from Paw Patrol. These people are truly the best friends a human could possibly have. I'll leave you with this question, does he really deserve them? Or should they replace him with the new guy from B.C.?
Look. It's... Greg? Oh yeah! Gregory Ryan...

-Tim, Tony, Kass, Kev and M-F
by Honest_Asian February 24, 2020
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The act of one man stuffing another's mans anus with a chilled ice pop.
I would have gone to the party, but I was too busy giving my dad a Frosh Gregory.
by Niggrodomis October 22, 2014
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Gregory House is known as House and is the main character of the show House md. He is an amazing diagnostic docter and is totally stubborn and is constantly breaking rule after rule. All that is compensated with his brilliance of diagnosing patients.
Hello, I'm Dr. Gregory House and you are an idiot.
by Ally S. January 17, 2009
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A character in the Clique Series. She is blonde, tall, and beautiful. However, she has extremely strict parents. Unlike the other girls in the Clique (besides CLaire Lyons), she is very poor. She is at the fancy rich exclusive Octavian Country Day on scholarship, which means she has to work, work, work, work for straight A+s! She loves playing sports although the other girls do nawt.
(these are not excerpts from the books)

Kristen Gregory: Sorry Massie, I can't. I have to study for my Engish Test.
Massie Block: You cannawt be stressing out about school already! We just came back from Winter Break!

Girl: Kristen, Why aren't you wearing designer clothes like the rest of your clique? I mean, I thought you all wore great clothes!
Kristen Gregory: *runs away and cries*
by middle_SKOOL_'lOsEr' December 24, 2009
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