An old CAPCOM beat-em-up series which hosted a former pro-wrestler/now mayor of New York/Metro City called Mike Haggar, who, with the help of a ninja named Guy and a street thug named Cody, proceed to beat the living crap out a gang called the Mad Gear, who made a fatal mistake of kidnapping the mayor's daughter.
I still play Final Fight to this day!
by AYB March 12, 2003
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The worst week of a college or high school students life. Finals week involves pulling an all nighter to reverse the months of slacking that have killed their grades. Finals week involves a lot of stress and very little sleep, the college or highschool student will be on edge the entire time, thus it is not a good time to screw with them by playing practical jokes or something you might find funny.
guy: Titty twister!!
Phil: (punches guy in the face) its finals week asshole
Guy: oh ok my bad (cowers in a corner)
by beast and the harlot June 2, 2005
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The hair that places itself upon a male's face, during the week up finals. This occurs because one does not have the time nor feel the need to put effort into such a insignificant task, such as shaving, during a time full of stress. Finals fuzz may be accompanied by acne breakouts, body odor, and a general look of dishevelment.
Brofessor X, what's up with the spotty facial hair?!
Ah it's just my finals fuzz, Broda. I don't have time to shave.
by satan_stan May 15, 2011
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She is both the metric by which the world will be judged, and the judge, and the executioner.
by Toucan Dan November 22, 2017
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"Space: The Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the Star Ship Enterprise." - Captain James T. Kirk, commanding officer, USS Enterprise NCC-1701
by Chief of the Okhrana October 7, 2015
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The one week on college campuses where people stop buying weed and everyone buys Adderall
"Hey, can I buy some weed?"
"Sorry man, finals week"
by boobs :) May 3, 2010
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A packet of paper that basically means if you don't get an 90 or above, you're retarded.
Teacher: Time to take a final exam children!
Students: Fuck you nigga I'm God!
by The Ruteneers June 14, 2013
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