A youtuber who makes funny prank videos he owns a clothing line that supports abstinence called virginity rocks. He has a friend named Cameron who is a literal dwarf that he likes to fuck around with. He got pretty popular from his series fuck around fridays.
Joe: Yo TayShawn wanna watch some Danny Duncan
TayShawn: Hell yeah that man funny af
by YoungSwegMoney May 23, 2018
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Getting excited over a new piece of technology, to the point where a small erection may occur.
"Man did you see that new LED TV?!? That thing is so cool it gave me a chubby duncan! I gotta go rub one out!"
by Orzi March 23, 2010
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bob duncan is a true hottie. he is my papi. when he had a gr8 weight loss he became even more of a daddi. luv u daddi duncan. <<<3333 uwu
carlie: who the fuck is bob duncan????
ashton: the biggest poppa out there. owo
by killerclownn69 October 29, 2018
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The most caring, sweet, intelligent and funny girl in the world.
She is extremely beautiful. And will make you smile on your worst day.
She is NEVER a bitch.
And you would be so lucky to have her as a friend <3
The new girl is so amazing, shes such an Ellie Duncan!
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The business owned by the most famous noncelebrity soundboard prank of all time.

On Youtube there are easily a thousand videos of soundboard calls using Frank, the owner of Duncan Construction.
Duncan Construction. This is Frank how'r yew?

Awwww fuggew yew stewpid cawksucker.
by Styxhexenhammer November 29, 2009
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Sexual act where the female takes a mouthful of some spirit and then performs fellatio.
She was awesome. We raided the minibar for a scotch and she gave me a drunken duncan.
by Senidic August 13, 2011
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On days when Tim is not playing basketball, he enjoys going out for a leisurely ride in his 1997 Honda Accord. He shops at Sears, likes to eat saltine crackers, and often goes on bike rides with friends from his middle class neighborhood. He plays golf in the offseason with his father. Tim would not comment on the latest National Enquirer article alleging that he once made facial expressions in the mirror while shaving and smiled in his 7th grade yearbook photo.
by The Real Izzy January 22, 2005
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