A smurf cooler is enacted when sexual activity leads to arousal of a male, but is discontinued resulting in a lack of orgasm and ejaculation.
"My boo was giving me the best blowjob when she got distracted by Keeping Up With the Kardashians and stopped. I felt like my balls were put in a smurf cooler."
by Jezebel72 July 18, 2013
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The act, intentionally or not, of withholding sexual release and causing sexual frustration and/or the condition known as "blue balls."
"When she put us on a break for a month to figure things out it meant no sex. It was like my balls were put in a smurf cooler."

"Girl stated going down on me but then she got bored and put me in the smurf cooler."
by bearhotep July 18, 2013
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1. A group of people who work closely together to search and hunt for the St. Paul Minnesota Pioneer Press Treasure Medallion. Sounded by controversy for decades, this group or crew is known for its continued success, questionable operation, and links to cheating.
"I know where the Medallion is, I am with the Cooler Crew."
by CoolerCrewLady January 30, 2018
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The effect that when you hang with people that are cooler than you, you in effect become cooler.
Eversence I started hanging with the preps I have become cooler by association.
by Josh Ginoza January 5, 2009
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person one: I'm a gacha cooler
person 2: *runs 100 miles away because they are gacha heaters and don't want holy water sprayed on them*
by black rose gacha July 16, 2021
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A descriptive term used to described and overly eager person to hit a pipe regardless of it's content.
Look at Tyrone and his soup coolers! He's making love to that thing!
by LauraKroft January 23, 2020
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Using a fan to cool your alcoholic beverage, when you are too much of a ghetto-ass nigger to afford a real cooler.
Dude, my nigger cooler only keeps my beverage moderately cold.
by Niggabomb February 13, 2010
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