when you're growing up with lousy parents and drinking milk as you mature into a fucking retard (when you hit 16)
"look at that retard, he is a twat in his childhood *laughter"
by lophi1 November 4, 2020
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A childhood that was good with out any abuse like mentally, and physical abuse or even emotional things like relationships with family that was brocken, like having divorced parents or simply living poor and not in high middle class or high class parts and not being able to have a lot of privileges as much as other people

( side note have a vanilla childhood is good and please don't romanticize getting abused, sexually assulted, or emotionally abused ect. In any way)
Person 1: "yeah my parents are really nice and they never have abused me in any way and support me for who I am and what I want to do in the future "

Person 2: "you definitely had a vanilla childhood, unlike me :')"

Person 1: "I'm sorry bro :("
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The childhood hog is the like the Angels off that movie about Scrooge, except it's a hog that visits children who have missed things from their childhood like seeing 'the lion king.'
Daphne- aw man you never believed in Santa?
Sagitta- nah man

Daphne- you're overdo for a visit from the childhood hog
by 🌏💖 December 19, 2016
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A Childhood iMovie is that one really shitty iMovie you made with your cousins or siblings and friends when you were younger and pure, innocent and not Dirty Minded. You showed it to you parents so proudly despite it being the worst movie to ever grace the world. Tho you thought it was Hollywood worthy.
Girl 1: “Aww, remember those cute little Childhood iMovies that we all used to make when we were kids?”
Girl 2: “Omg girl, I remember how bad they were lol.”
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Childhood Depression

Childhood depression is when a child eventually starts not feeling joy and instead just being empty, hollow and depressed.

This usually effects kids when they start being overworked, stressed, and burned out, which leads to sadness, tiredness, and depression.

This probably spiked in 2020, when kids started becoming more distanced over time due to not socializing, and eventually childhood depression started for an unknown number of kids.
Mandy: Why is Sam so sad?

Amanda: I heard he had childhood depression, i hope he recovers.
by January 27, 2023
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A pure fucking nonsensical word made up by emo 12 year olds in the gang fandom after hearing bonnie’s lullaby
Some cringy 12 yr old: this song reminds me of a dead childhood
by Shooveli December 5, 2020
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