When you have sex with a girl in the anus when she has the squirts, and when you pound them cakes she poops on your Ding Dong!!
"I was jammin Amanda's Hershey Highway and the dirty ho-bag didn't tell me she had been fighting the poop monster all day and she gave me a damn Butt-Chalupa!!"
by David Meece January 5, 2006
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When a guy has taco meat and cheese on his dick then does a chick in the ass and together they happily eat tacos made out of the meat and cheese.
Kid 1: dude did you hear about that one priest getting arrested.

Kid 2: No, What happened.

Kid 1: apparentely he had been giving dirty chalupas after sunday school.
by Clayton M June 10, 2008
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The act of jizzing in a Taco Bell Chalupa.
Man my buddy Derek was so hammered last night he ate a whole droopy chalupa.
by Drock800 August 14, 2023
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Yo you see that double chalupa the other night?

Yea bro, that skank was covered in ground beef!
by TheboizTh191327 July 19, 2017
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shoving a black dildo into an ass filled with ground beef, sour cream, tomatoes, cheese, and of course onions.
My friend slid an anaconda chalupa in my asshole last night...then i passed out.
by Chandler Loupe January 27, 2009
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to take a big-ass dump, especially after consuming food from Taco Bell
Q: Ever wonder how the sour cream gets inside of the burritos?

A: The Taco Bell dog fucked them.
by ¡@_@! August 15, 2004
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a mexican jew; something you dont want to be called
mike stole my bike so i celled her a chalupa jew
by paul bunyan March 9, 2009
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