The act of a large entity using their market influence to prohibit you from gaining access to a desired market.
e.g. Why does Microsoft have to come up in my house and cock block my access to that sales channel.
by retepa April 26, 2007
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n. one who interrupts an act of sexual intimacy, such as hooking up or having sex, by opening doors, calling phones, etc.

Can also be used in the verb form, "cock blocking"
Yo, homie -- close the door! Why you cock blockin`? Can't you see we're in the middle of sumthin?
by TE AM0 July 26, 2005
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A rare and unfortunate phallic affliction where a man is born with a rectangular, block-like penis.
Jane: "What the hell is that? Is that a Colgate box?"
John: "It' penis. I have cock block..."
Jane: "Um...ok. Well, this is gonna cost $90."
by duminik November 18, 2010
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When you are denied or blocked from sexual activity or arousal
Bertha's brother came home early, what a cock block.

Rita's Dad stayed in the same room watching TV with us, he is such a cock blocker.

The girl next door closed her blinds before she start to change, what a cock block.
by RuneX December 3, 2003
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Cock Blocking is when someone or something prevents a man from "getting some" or "hitting that"
I was about to take Jamie back to my place to seal the deal but I was swiftly cock blocked when my friend Mike didn't have a ride home.
by Sean Feeney August 6, 2007
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When another nigga is tryna steal yo girl
Cock blocked means getting blocked by another dude from a girl
Guy 1: "Peter Reisdorf is such an expert cock blocker."
Guy 2: "Wow, what a douche."
by Ya boy John Appleseed March 9, 2015
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