the police
other slang: pigs, fuzz
Blue: What you need, homey?
Jake: Crack. about 20 bucks worth.
Blue: Crack?! Smells like bacon in this muthafucka! What I look like, a sucka to you, nigga? Fuck you, rookie.
by J-Dizzlex November 28, 2004
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Used for a very attractive female, To point out a Very attractive female to the people around you without arousing the suspicion of said female.
Other variations include: Macon-Mom bacon, Facon-Chubby bacon (Nothing wrong with a bigger female)
*Female enters bus and sits next to you and friends* "Dude i totally want some bacon right now" *Friends get the hint and take a look* "Yeah bacon sounds good right now"
by LCook6 October 8, 2011
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a derrogitory term for police officers in general.
i smell bacon
i smell greese
i smell (insert) city police!
by dominizzle December 2, 2007
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The state where menu items, previously free of bacon, are now topped or otherwise include bacon.
One experienced the baconization changing prefrences of the U.S. consumer at TGI Fridays when trying to order nachos that now includes bacon.
by Matt from A2 March 30, 2005
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To critique the meaning of everything.
To be baconized by Bacon Maker1.
To critique everything.
by Steve and Kalon January 29, 2009
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