Pure Alpha male. The guy who your mom said not to mess with. The guy who your girlfriend wants to get laid with.
Don't try man, you can't be Aron. and he owns your lil ass too.
1) He is Aron he benches atleast 400lbs.
2) Friend 1: Whats that sound

Friend 2: Ooh Aron is banging my mom and my sister upstairs.
3) Girl 1: Hey How are you

Girl 2 : .............**awkward silence**

Girl 2 : Types on her phone and shows it to girl 1 ;- My jaw is weak, I was with Aron yesterday.
by Your Truly,dad December 6, 2022
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Aron is a fat and funny friend to have, he still loves his ex after she dumped him
by Hey there Aron July 3, 2018
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Aron is one of the most athletic person you know. He is very hot. Everyone looks for Aron because they want to be like him.He got a fun personality and is a very love full person
Person: Have You seen Aron he is so perfect
Person2: I wish I would have someone like him
by SnuppieWhoopy November 21, 2021
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Aron is a guy that says Faggot ALOT. Aron’s usually get called fuckboy and a player. Aron's usually wear addidas joggers and nike shoes with a hoodie.
Damn that guy Aron is a fuckboy XD.
by IWantToDie9112169 December 10, 2018
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Do you see Aron over there
Are you talking about the tubby ginger
Of course, who else is named Aron
by McFrickin October 31, 2019
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An amazing Pokémon who needs to stop being thrown under the bus.
Dave: Dude, Aron is an underrated Pokémon!
Robert: I know, bro! I love Aron!
by JubblyGuy August 3, 2023
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Ils ont tous des pénis de taille incommensurables, et il soulève aussi la mère de ses potes.
Aron a vraiment une énorme queue

Regarde ! Aron l’a range dans sa chaussure tellement est elle longue
by i said truth November 22, 2021
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