Basically, the coolest person in the world. She basicaly OWNS at golf too! Whenever she hangs out with my sister she wears her crown and pretends its her birthday, cause, basically, every day SHOULD be her birthday. She's just that awesome. You should really get to know her, but I'm sure that you're unworthy anyways.
She's akin to God, if you saw her or spoke to her your mind would explode because she is that great
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The power to produce results by making a desired impression or just being desireable; usually involving a cute girl and one or more guys
Girl1: Could you ask John to help me move.

Girl2: Ok. But I don't know if he's busy.

Girl1: He'll do it anyway. You have the Aisha effect on him.
by krizzie3991 September 25, 2014
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noun, and or verb

1. An individual whose hiring was based solely on any of the "minority" categories for race, sexual orientation, or gender with no credence toward skill or ability.

Example: black, female, homosexual, Mexican, etc.

2. A person who fails all entry level testing and/or on-the-job testing but still gets hired or maintains employment.
Didn't Sam fail the written? How did he get hired?!

Native American preference points.

Damn Aisha Hire.
by HRProblems September 12, 2017
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A bad bitch who knows how to get down and dirty while still looking classy af
by Ashdhjka September 6, 2021
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Honestly, a god, an icon, the upmost important person on the fucking planet. Haven’t heard of her? Death. Insulted her? Death. Touch her chair? Death, then revival, and death again.

She is the speed of light, the sun in the sky, the roots beneath our feet. Without her, we are nothing but useless bodies of flesh.

If you are an old ranger, banished. No pink inhalers, no gendered cars and NO hospitals closed on Boxing Day.

April 13th is a day of celebration, you must all bow and present a gift, failure to do so will result in execution.

Her minions, Momina and Miles serve her every need, payment is being in her presence.

She is crazy, absolutely barking mad, and has had the tendency to scream the words chocolate in the past.

If lost, please return to Miles or Momina.
Is that Awesome Aisha? Shit! Get on your knees and bow peasant!

I am Awesome Aisha, bow to you queen. Did you say no? MILES? MOMINA? SEESE THEM!”

“Yes my lord!”
by Supermarioinrealloif December 20, 2020
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A beautiful and intelligent girl with an innocent heart. She is quite and shy at first but crazy once she’s comfortable with you. Always laughing and will always cheer you up. A pure and loving soul with an amazing smile :)
you always need a friend like her.she never got a gift from anyone so she really would appreciate a gift so much because she never got one.
me:hi Aisha want i gift.

Aisha Alzeyoudi: no it ok i dont need a gift i dont deserve that.

next day(gives her a gift)

Aisha Alzeyoudi: thank you so much(x3)

me: your welcome
by *$#% October 26, 2020
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the coolest kid ever + W + peak fiction + vere smart + good dancer + drippy asf + reads and watches peak fiction+ aisha solos+ giorno solos + aisha is the best
" You know Aisha Dicko? "
"Yeah, shes super cool."
by megaskrunkly March 17, 2022
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