An Asshole in the 1930s who killed several million innocent people because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, or the fact they criticized his methods, views, the aforementioned murders, political party, or terrible invasion/annexation-based foreign policy strategy.
John heard about who Adolf Hitler was and how many people he killed in history class, he then came to the realization that the dictator was a colossal asshole.
by Some Random Guy 72 February 25, 2017
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a person who killed millions of jews.
He had a poo mustach.
And he also had a 2 inch dick
by pewds12 November 29, 2015
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1) A stupid ass dick, he thought people that had blonde hair and blue eyes were superior, completly and idioticly oblivious to the fact that he had neither blonde hair or blue eyes.
2) When u stick your finger up your ass and put it on someones upper lip (as seen on South Park)
1) Hitler had a gay mustache

2) See Asspen episode of South Park for this example
by Flippydaslasher November 1, 2007
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An asshole who decided to kill six million Jews and another eleven million innocents because he couldn't get the Jews out of Germany.
Bob: Man, good thing Hitler died.
Steve: I know man, he was such an ass.
by XxX_Hitler69420_XxX February 23, 2017
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A dumbass person who cased WW2 by killing Jews and Mentally Retarded People in consentration camps, then killers himself
Oh, Hitler, he was an absolute dumbass!
by Mia Ka Ka Kalifia March 16, 2019
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