Nickname for a topographical map wif a certain number of irregular-shaped sections dat you can literally color all different separate hues by using each and every one of da wax sticks from Crayola's famous tall-cube-shaped box.
Including a good-sized "lower 48" page together wif a next-to-da-largest common set of crayons is an excellent way to let da young recipient of said lovely gift easily and sensibly try out all of da assorted colors in da box right away, since he/she will merely need to fill in one section apiece wif each of da markers, effortlessly ensuring da resulting "patchwork quilt" effect will be pleasing on da eyes for anyone who views said child's artwork afterwards. Extra points if you thought to pre-mark each map-sector wif an appropriate color-directive, so dat da budding artist will know how to fill them in wif appropriately-alternating light/dark/pale/bright hues to create maximum contrasts and even colors-distribution among da various sections.
by QuacksO July 8, 2023
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Usually defines a facebook term after unblocking someone. When you want to block the same person again but Facebook doesn't allow you to do so, this best defines 48 hours. Can be also called 2 days.
Han: Dang! I unblocked that guy and now I have to wait for 48 hours!

Lenny: Bonkers, must be a long way to go!
by Ashley Han February 13, 2021
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A YouTube video that plays the Portal Radio loop for 10 hours, After 5 hours, 18 minutes, and 48 seconds, The radio loop is interrupted by a half naked man who states "Time to do some push ups." He proceeds to go through a workout routine while simultaneously ripping ass. I mean actual butt hole destruction, like he makes lawn mower sounds from his ass.
Tom: Time to listen to my favorite video Portal Radio 10 Hours, I hope a man in his underwear doesn't interrupt 5 hours, 18 minutes, and 48 seconds in! Imagine if something happened to Portal Radio 10 hours 5:18:48:14 in!
King of Ass Ripping: J ͖̠̖̘̇̑̀͝o ̖͈̜͉̾̓h̴͉͂̇́n̴̞̲̣͓̕ ̟̐̃̚͜D ̱͌e̶̯̣̭̍̒̋͂ȩ̵̘̥̪̓̐ŕ̶͖͚̱̹͊ ̭̀̍̃͝T ̯̗̫̭͊̅͘r̶͕̾͐̎͠ã̶̝̖c ̧̄t ̰̻̌͑o ͍̂̃͂r̴͖̙͑̌ͅ ̵͕̎̓̈́Ă̵̦̰͐S̴̞̪̚͜ͅM̴̯̯̾̊R̴̦̘̤͐͐͛̀
by EL_PRO April 8, 2023
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The rule for the amount of time sperm can stay alive in a person's mouth after oral sex.
Dana: Hi, Katherine, mind if I take a sip of your coke?
Katherine: Are you 48 hour rule safe?
Dana: Yep!
by futureactiveparticiple July 4, 2017
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ahhh munks and the guys of the event will go to the cross walk and walk across while tring to avoid the falling rhinos and anchors.,!@#? and firetrucks.
metro colin anus aribasn yooopooo gooot a frind an yoooo napoleon 48 person cross walking event, i watched a turkish guy shit in a toaster and cook it to perfection.
by aggagagdegigfidhfgkdjvhjhaaaau November 17, 2022
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The conjoined grouping of members from both the 27 club and 21 club, which includes people like Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain, Juice WRLD and Lil Peep.
Person 1: I was just listening to Back in Black the other day. God I miss Amy Winehouse. And all the other members of the 48 club.
Person 2: Same.
by GG7755 May 17, 2020
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To inadvertently cause another murder, by televising informants or suspects interviews, in a murder investigation
A man was shot, in an apparent 48 effect, after being shown informing about a Jamaican drug lord’s death, in Dallas.
by Danman73 November 27, 2019
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