Someone who sounds depressed whilst talking, as if every word was a sigh. (Think Eeyore)
Amanda always sigh talks, like yesterday, she was all " heeeeeyyyyy, *sigh*, I'm ok *sigh*.... Things are fine *sigh*...what are you up to? *sigh*"
by Marauder12 April 21, 2016
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a phrase commonly used by a blogger to express their frusteration with life
"le when i went to mcdonalds i had to wait in line for five minutes. and then...(bitch, moan, whine, etc)"
by flense May 30, 2004
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Emo Sigh - The act of sighing in a particularly emo fashion. Often used in blogs to show that the writer is depressed, and realizes that their current post or mood could be refered to as 'emo', and wishes to recognize this.
I failed my test, and my girlfriend broke up with me at lunch... Emo Sigh...
by Fullmoon December 30, 2005
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Diabolically sigh-worthy. An adjective used to describe something that is so incredibly boring or dull that you just want to sigh at the thought of it.
My life is sigh-a-bolical right now.
by tainz May 9, 2009
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Charity sigh--a sigh done in a public place, done by an individual who has an audience. Usually the sigher is working on a frustrating task such as homework, or on a slow moving computer.
Ted is pretty easy to spot in the library. He often lets out a charity sigh to let everyone know of his "woe is me" problem.
by Boggler March 10, 2004
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A sigh used by members of a political party usually in disappointment or disgust with what’s going on with the politicians who run their particular political party.

A sigh let out when an opposing political party gains political leverage and control until at least the next election.
Democrats let out a poli sigh when John Kerry won the Democratic primary in 2004. They saw it as the beginning of George W. Bush's second term.

Republicans let out a well-deserved poli sigh in 2006 when congress was handed over to the Democrats.

Third Party enthusiasts consistently let out poli sighs every year that Ralph Nader runs for President.
by The JVL April 29, 2007
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The sigh you have when someone like mr. Alexander doesn't understand a very simple wordplay or something obvious.

Very closely related to facepalm, but expressed as a sigh.
Person 1: Do you know where the definition of the long drink esa-anssi comes from?
Alexander: hmm, I really have no idea
Person 2: *facepalm sigh...* It comes from esanssi.
by Al Copone December 22, 2019
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