Them: Of course I'll like your insta pic!
You: Bless it cuz!
by Samdee January 17, 2017
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Contemporary pidgin-English greeting used frequently by members of the bad-english speaking population in the state of Hawaii, most notably on the islands of Big Island and Maui. Literally translating to "Hello Cousin", its usage perceives a sense of moke cred for adolescents of many ethnicities. Sometimes also used in the short form as simply "Ho!".
by djjamal May 18, 2007
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bronx, new york term for a tall, good looking, trustable friend
i need a wing man tonight, you gonna be my cuz joe?
by sinai March 15, 2007
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A man who is officially your cousin, but simultaneously your half-brother.
Jay and Floyd are cousins. However, Jay looks too much like Floyd and his brothers and not enough like Uncle Al. It is speculated that Jay's mother, Gladys, had an affair with with Uncle Al's brother-in-law, Dave. As a result, Jay and Floyd are bro-cuzes. However, the truth will never be known...
by Mr. Johnsen August 1, 2011
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one who thinks flossing with red dental floss is the same as eating out his g/f
luv cuz had da mad red pubie hairrrzzz sticking out of his teeth again...
by Neil Diamond September 18, 2003
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1. No Big Deal, 2. No Problem, 3. syn: "whatever"
You need to take out the garbage. Fuck Cuz, I'll get it later.
by Sam Bucalo August 23, 2007
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meaning fuck ya(used mainly in urban skateparks, used usaly referncing to go to a fast food restraunt)
eli: yo trip lets mission to dairy queen munch on some grindage..

yeez cuz cuz
by SYMPLYCITY May 7, 2009
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