If you think that I am white trash then fuck you, fag!
by Biden is a dick May 1, 2021
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People who are scared to leave the false security of their hillbilly heaven,rancher.
People who own (upside down 10 years later) 5 acres in Prince George,yet act as if the entire county/Brandon/Brandon hunt club is theirs.
People who constantly use derogatory racial slurs to describe people they're scared of,and whom they'd never actual speak like that to.
Wife/children threateners.Threatener bc they typically have never actually been involved in an altercation, no matter how many times they say,"I caint go to jail,I have too much to loose"(refer to 5 acres and shithole rancher with shotty remodel work done)
People who use their own mother to loan them $30,000 to start their own home paiting business, but buy a Basstracker instead, and refuse to pay her back.
People who for years pawn their children on said mother,to only not speak to her for years afterwards.

White trash let's their kids go hungry while buying Oakley,Marlboros, Pepsi,and entry fees for mens slowpitch softball.
White trash takes their 16 year olds paychecks to "manage" their mo ey,which really means keep it for themselves.
White trash is working the disability system so the last children at home dont have to work
White trash is doing the above,yet talking shit about people on welfare
Wow,he can feed 20 hunting dogs but bot his own kids,what a piece of white trash.
by White trash daughter September 12, 2019
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A racist white man/women. Irrespective of their wealth white trash are racist and generally white supremacists.

They believe them the "White people" or Caucasians are genetically superior but in truth they are just trash just like their level of intelligence.
A: Mike living next door uses the N word and he always votes for orange buffoon

B: Yeah he's a white trash!
by Oxiyaveezhix July 21, 2022
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a girl named brittany, who likes fighting and seeks attention from self harm. widely known from her stank ass pussy.
omg, look over there. it’s a prime example of white trash.
by oldassmexican July 18, 2019
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What black people don't want in the "hood"
Mickey Mouse and Yakko Warner tell Snoopy and Rarity they came to the wrong motherfucking neighborhood. Then Mickey and Yakko proceed to shank the white trash that came to their part of town.
by TiggerCelestia06 June 10, 2018
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White Trash has recently been adopted and is no longer a derogatory name to mockingly calling people of the poor white class offensive names, now being White Trash is an honour to wear around the type of people whom embrace
Ronald Pinyan is also known as the artist named White Trash, filtering out what she font m3ed to see
by Josama Binbplottin June 15, 2023
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Everyone who has the name Ethan
He's such a ethan

White trash is et ethan
by Rosofett May 29, 2017
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