As Julian is a warm-hearted person and Amanda is lovable, this makes them a perfect match. They always laugh around each other. But they care about there other person feelings. They are a great couple together because of the love and hope between them. They started as not even knowing about each other before they where in 3 periods together. In P.E. they never really talk to each other before they started dating all they did was just laugh at each other or just glance. Until one day they will realize they like who they are inside. Soon they feel in love with each other and then Julian asked her to the Valentine Dance. After that day they where indomitable as one couple.
Julian: don’t you like how Amanda laughs

Julian: she makes me laugh.

Best Friend: Bro you like her, go ask her out

Julian : I don’t know, I am going to be the new laughing stock at school.

Julian: Even I can’t do that she has a boyfriend.

Best Friend: If you really like her then go ask here

Julian: okay

*Julian went and asked her out and she said yes and to this day they are an indomitable couple. *

lovely indomitable couple Julian+Amanda PowerCouple

Indomitable- impossible to defeat or break apart.
by AmyTheWriter73 January 31, 2018
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The creator behind the absolutely STUNNING tiktok journalling account handletteringtings. She creates beautiful journal spreads and is an all around lovely person.
Did you see Amanda (@handletteringtings) latest tiktok? I absolutely loved the color scheme of the journal spread <3
by fibonacciquesadilla December 27, 2021
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Amanda shuffle is the walk back to the car after scoring a bag. As you walk releasing farts with every step you take causing your ass to gyrate and move in side way movements.
Did you see jayde as she walked back to the car she had the mean Amanda shuffle going on.
by 19mike oxlong19 July 23, 2022
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Amanda shuffle is when one farts as they walk back to car after getting a score. As the person walks the uncontrollable flatulence is released with every step causing the shuffler to clench and tighten the booty making them look like a speed walker competitor. While the shuffler is trying to control the flatulence their head is doing circular motions in a zombie like way.
Omg jayde did you see that. She was doing the Amanda shuffle she is out the gate!!!
by 19mike oxlong19 July 26, 2022
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A beautiful sweet top of the line house keeper she is the best cook you will every find and she has a sex ass body ass like a porn 🌟 and will make you tap out in the sheets with that go she is what every man would kill for if are man enough to make Mandy fall for you then you won't never need for anything you will be with the best hours wife and the sex is so good you won't ever get tired of it
When a man says she is everything a man could want it's got to be a Mandy which is amanda
by The goat 82 October 12, 2020
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During the Black Lives Matter movement, Amandas have attempted to make their voices heard in a big way. They are white and are Millenials. They drink craft beer and have hipster boyfriends. They wear t-shirts that say "fuck racism" and they march in BLM rallies with their friends, then they comment on social media posts and speak defiantly for the black community, when they've lived their whole lives in the burbs and have never even driven past an urban housing project. They get into countless arguments on the subject of race, yet they have no possible way of relating to the plight of black people. An Amanda just wants you to know that all white people are racists if they do not agree with everything she says, even though when asked to define "racist," she draws a blank.
by CrustyNickel July 6, 2020
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When you pee on her in the shower and pull her hair while calling her a good girl
by TallCupOfJoe June 24, 2023
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