It means to speed over potholes.

It comes from a joke in my city about this one road that has a lot of potholes and a high speed limit. But the road is ironically the main way to get to the hospital called Holy Family. Highway to Holy Family has claimed many lives.
Officer: okay so who is responsible for this accident?

Person: Not me, that other asshole was driving like Holy Family.
by Sacredfart June 19, 2023
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The mutual enjoyment of a common experience, likening said enjoyment to the taste of another man's member.
Boy 1: Hey, they're giving away trilbys at the mall
Boy 2: Sweet like meat!
Boy 1: Yes, and you'd know what that's like after last night, let's go, we can see Le Mis on the way home!!!!
by FieldyS February 23, 2012
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January 19 A day where you chew loudly and open-mouthed. Like a camel
“Can you chew with your mouth closed?”
Nah bro it’s National eat like a camel day
by Gamerboy012 January 19, 2023
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Used to express quantity. Can be used in anything with numbers
Dude, its like a dollar degrees outside.

How much is that worth? Like a dollar.

Notice her ass? Its like a dollar
by ah gvfdgdvhgcbdv February 3, 2015
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How an obsessed jealous ex girlfriend reacts when she comes in contact with the love of her life in public and he is with another bitch
When i seen Cory with his new bitch at the park. I snapped like a 2 dollar lawn chair.
by A816K September 25, 2018
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Nothing will keep me from vacation. Dirty shirts are going to happen. So is my going on vacation.
Off I go on vacation like a dirty shirt!
by Llife August 30, 2017
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When a man thinks you look like breasts so he texts you that you look like breasts. (No real explanation found)
Wow Hailey, you look like breasts. (Instagram dm)

You look like breasts; a common saying. HAHZJSKSKKSKZNS
by 123345660 March 6, 2022
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