(based on , but absolutely NOT related to, the internet site cougarlife.com, hence two words)

a life based on hedonism, immorality and amorality
If you want to know what a cougar life is you can ask Hugh Hefner
by Sexydimma February 8, 2014
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(based on the internet site (cougarlife.com)

a life based on hedonism and immorality
If you want to know what a cougar life is you can ask Gary Ridgway
by Sexydimma November 25, 2013
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Having sex on a thorn bush, so that when you're done it appears you have been attacked by a cougar
Her and I did the Arabian Cougar last night, check out my scratches.
by IheartGapeHorn March 14, 2014
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A cougar skin is a woman who is older than a cougar and unattractive and lecherous and acts creepy and tries to sleep with men far younger then herself. A cougar skin is thus labeled because she is past the age of being designated as a I MILF and now is labeled a MIWNLF: Mom I would not like to fuck. Also known in antiquity as a old hag.
"Jennifer Lopez soon ain't gonna be a cougar she gonna be a cougar skin pretty soon and now man will wanna fuck he"
by Nerdboy1982! August 2, 2022
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verb. The act of a Cougar (a.k.a. older female) prowling for fresh meat (a.k.a. very young males).
Emma was well into her 50's but was out cougarring the local college bars.
by TheSkinman August 4, 2014
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Have sex with an older woman, while slipping her ass.
Sadly know I have 2 COUNT THEM 2 spanks set up for tomorrow as long as I play the game right. I just need to spank a cougar.
by dirtydimer69 November 12, 2019
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It is what a young man would call his penis after having sex with a woman over the age of 40. You would use your Cougar Spear when in the process of a Cougar Hunt.
I totally wrecked your mom with my Cougar spear.
by Dr. Hammersnatch September 11, 2009
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