Men have to cook, clean and watch the kids while mom drinks.
Man- sorry, can't go out tonight, it's Respect your Women day... I'm cleaning and cooking so my women can get wasted.
by Jamjen March 15, 2017
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Yeah, bitch, I saw it. Better believe I saw it. I see everything.
Hym "Along with the statement 'Women nowadays don't know how to keep a man' there is an implicit assumption that you could keep me. There is just so much arrogance packed into that seemingly innocuous statement that it's hard to take you seriously. And I know. I know you're sitting there thinking 'I wOuLdN't WaNt To-' IRRELEVANT! Entirely irrelevant! The point is you COULDN'T if you had to. You know I am the wrong person to talk to about what you want."
by Hym Iam March 3, 2023
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when your father went to get the milk and ur mom found a hot woman...
ur mom likes women
perfect comeback to any ur mom jokes
guy1 : ur mom
guy2 (smart): ur mom likes women
by chonky elbow July 4, 2022
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Women’s Tax is a term for the things that society pins on women to do involuntarily (like not paying taxes per say) to not feel ashamed, manly, or “gross” that only apply to women i.e. having to shave nearly your entire body almost every other day-
Women 1 - I really wish I could grow out my body hair and not feel ashamed about it!

Women 2 - Yeah, I hate women’s tax.
by georgiatrue January 23, 2020
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Someone who looks like a 45 year old women
Probably starting to grow grey hair and probably are cutting it short or long idk
Could be a milf? lol
Stirling u cunt ur a 45 year old women lmao
Yeah so you look like a 45 year old women LOL
you look like a 45 year old women wa wa wee wa
by Benderboy9000 May 15, 2021
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All women April is to support and celebrate all women throughout April and their struggles
Girl:All women April is coming up
Boy: what’s that

Girl : it’s where you support all women and their Struggles
by Tinffay March 23, 2022
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