when your dating a guy and get fucked after that your bf blocks you on everything almost like a one night stand
I'm gonna pull a carter warm on his ass
by Your homie G July 21, 2017
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Similar to cold calling. The person you're calling still doesn't know you or expect your call, but you happen to know someone who they know and like. By referral the ice is broken, and the call is warmer in temperature.
Salesperson: "I need to make a few calls, was there anyone at that networking breakfast who you think I should try?"

Friend: "Ya, try Pete Mullholland, he's the manager at Vandelay Industrial Supplies--we got along great"

Salesperson: "Finally I'm warm calling for a change"
by MrCorrect1985 July 9, 2009
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An expression given to a person who’s under garments spend more time around their ankles than around their waist due to high levels of sexual activity
She’s got warm ankles
by Funnygurl February 24, 2022
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When you stuff your s/o's ass with bread and then give them anal.
Brad: Yeah man, My wife finally let Me do warm-turkey to Her last night.
John: Woah dude, I wish My girlfriend would let Me do that to Her.
by Cuck123 December 16, 2019
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