The act of sticking ones big toe up another individual's rectal passage.
Person A-"Dude what's that rank smell?"
Person B-"Dude that's Josh's foot."
Josh-"Yeah I just got done pigeon toeing Melanie."
by BeefieMcManStick July 1, 2009
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When you blame someone of doing something you are actually guilty of.
-A: Dude, you ate the chocolate cake
-B: Damn you just pigeoned me, I saw you eat the cake
by sexy_knockers123 April 26, 2022
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When you and another person are communicating in a thread, a third party jumps in a drops a load of shit into the thread and then disappears.
dude - last night I was having a great conversation with Trista on FB - some random chick popped in and PIGEONED our chat.
by pithhelmet October 20, 2020
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To become or be a pigeon. Usually not real and especially popular in meme culture.
Friend 1: What were your lab results?
Friend 2: I have Pigeon Syndrome
Friend 1: Pigeon Syndrome?
Friend 2: *Pigeon Noises*
by not_editurr May 28, 2020
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an exceptionally ugly pigeon who wonders around people's yard looking for suitable places to take a shit on
Joe: Yo, what happend to your yard bro?
Mike: the unthinkable wonder pigeon brah
by numbaOneStunna October 24, 2013
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