If Eugene keeps rolling around on that nerd chariot wearing that fanny pack, he won't have a chance with the ugliest most desperate girl on the Mt. Holyoke fuck truck.
by Nicholas D October 9, 2006
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A term coined by Artosis of sixjax gaming. When during an epic battle of Starcraft II, one of the players does a crazy micro or move that it blows away the audience.
There's SO many banelings. I'm getting nerd chills just watching those marines.
by aznkuku June 22, 2011
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A "human" that spends so much time playing video games that their posture is level nerd neck. Everytime anyone goes tryhard they hunch down and their neck gets longer there fore a nerd neck is always hunched down cause they're always going try hard. In other words a nerd neck is a try hard, since their neck is 100% longer than the average human being due to playing too many video games and taking them serious, nerd necks are not even considered human anymore but something more sad. Nerd necks are often found on fortnite, their natural habitat usually being tilted towers.
What a fucking nerd neck!

He is building so fast, nerd neck!

Looser more like a nerd neck ha!
by D Sandwich Maker February 5, 2019
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One who has great intellectual potential and often has many odd traits or skills, but avoids and/or forgets work
Teacher: "This kid is so smart, he has so many bright ideas. I wish he would do his homework and stop being such a Slacker Nerd."
by SlackerNerd October 21, 2010
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A wannabe nerd is someone that is similar to a geek as in they are not as intelligent as a regular nerd however, a wannabe nerd is someone who is most likely an arrogant jerk whom will constantly try to boast his or her intelligence in your face. A wannabe nerd usually is well aware that they are not nearly as intellectual as they claim, which therefore causes them utmost insecurity which ultimately results increased bragging. Wannabe nerds are often hard to detect, as to the casual non-nerdy observer, they may appear to be highly intellectual. However, any true nerd is capable of making the distinction. Wannabe Nerds are often characterized by their arrogance, "Smarter than you" attitude, claiming extreme interest and talent in subjects which they obviously understand minuscule amounts of, and their (often improper) use of extravagant words in order to make themselves appear smarter.
Nerd: Homework is done, I'm just goin' home to play a game of Fallout 3...

Wannabe Nerd: Oh, what a waste of precious time. My education means far more to me. I shall spend the night reading non-fiction. I guess I just like nerdy activities, too much...

(no, not really. I'm just saying that because I know you're smarter than me and it pisses me off).
by Leto172010 June 3, 2010
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The act of getting a proverbial boner over something that is really nerdy.
Derek has a giant nerd boner over his world of warcraft character.
by Mr.Boracus April 9, 2006
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