Epithet occasionally used by ex Labour MPs in New Zealand "He is a right tug muscle".
by vexnews June 27, 2007
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English Teacher: "This is the third time you haven't done your homework, Kyle."

Kyle: "I had chores to do on myself afterschool, teach!"

E T: "Oh, please, you're a turd muscle. That's why you didn't do your homework!"
by NateBlake666 June 6, 2014
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When u neck is so big that u can breath more then average human being
Navel got a muscle neck
by Yet squad boy February 12, 2016
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As in "To Be Determined". The excess fat, chunkyness, fluffyness, or plumpness on a person's body. Typically located in the midsection area of the human body blocking the abs.
Matt: Dude, you really need to start exercising.
Ricky: Yeah, I guess it's time to start figuring out what I'm gonna do with all this TBD muscle.
by Breaston December 14, 2009
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A penis incapable of achieving erection due to the over consumption of alcohol and/or meat (ribs).
"Hey dude did you score with Sally last night?"
"Nah bro, I got the butter muscle"
by KCMOMAN April 24, 2012
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A boy who's only personality is his muscles.
girl 1- "I got a new boyfriend!"
girl 2- "What's he like?"
girl 1- "uh..."
girl 2- "he's a muscle boy"
by Griffin Stein November 21, 2022
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A way of describing a person who acts in such a way of inconsistencies compared to others.
Boy oh boy, Billy is acting like a dink muscle today. Look at him barge through the line to load up on seconds.
by GMA-4-Me December 28, 2018
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