Crap Paddle is when you drop your paddle and scream CRAP! Also can be when you stick a piece of crap on a paddle and you slap someone with it so they scream CRAP!
Me: Hey look over there she just dropped her paddle.
You: Oh, what a crap paddle move.

Me: Wanna get loco tonight? ;)
You: Yeah, lets do a crap paddle night.
by applejacks101 January 10, 2017
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When one is constipated and gets excited at every small sensation of pressure within. This small hope of release is called a glimmer of crap.
Fml, I’m constipated again, not even a glimmer of crap all week!
by dontuseyourrealname101 January 12, 2022
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Journalism that is conveyed as a "news" story, but in reality is pointless and insignificant, even though it typically draws a large crowd. Usually in the form of clickbait, lists, and about celebrities, but doesn't actually have any affect on the general public or society.
Guy 1: Did you hear that news story about how that celebrity wore a bikini in public?

Guy 2: Dude, that's not news. That's crap news. But do you have the picture?
by kcm556 June 2, 2017
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Christmas stuff in general: decorations, wrapping paper, ornaments, and so on.
Take all that Christmas crap back to the basement!
by Tiernan47 August 6, 2022
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When one takes a crap, that when finished, the person will end up walking like a penguin.
"Why has Phil been walking like a penguin for the past few minutes?"
"He just took a penguin crap not too long ago."
by Vanh0 October 23, 2011
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A mildly crass way to describe actions either on purpose or by accident causing a denial of service or inconvenience to others by putting out a large useless volume of something.
Some corporate asshat caused a ton of support calls due to his badly coded app crap flooding the network with traffic.
by winston smith the III March 20, 2017
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Someone who travels the world in search of the rarest and finest pieces of crap.
I recently quit my job to become a crap collector.
by Professor Stinkbottom December 6, 2009
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