Pussy Part referrs to a part in a song that is really hot and sexy
Chanhee always gets the pussy part, I mean have you even heard the second verse in thrill ride?

Sunwoo's "let's get it on melt chocolate" is the pussiest of pussy parts I've ever heard
by Mrussiaaa June 22, 2022
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Damn dude!!!!! That was almost as good as "Parting The Sun"
by By: Victor September 21, 2008
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A lame party usually held my meth addicts and is filled with hard drugs and sadness
Dang dude did you go to the target party”

Yea that shit was lame”
by Heheh and July 13, 2022
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Everything is always that part so do your fucking and stop being a lil punk bitch ...
That part all the time I got people saying it in Panama shitty aka bay..County fl fuckin retardes
by Lil killaa1994 April 8, 2022
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This means doing a particular thing over and over again untill the desired result is out.
John had to press that part to make jane his wife.
I'm gonna press that part till i'm a star
by slymtee June 7, 2019
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either of the two round fleshy parts that form the lower rear area of a human trunk.

Ex. Get your hind parts in here and eat dinner.
by Deft Dot May 14, 2018
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This is getting pretty interesting, huh? I’m a pretty smort cookie ain’t I? You should have let me in the box when you had a chance you old fucking faggot. I’m going to breed your slut daughter by the time this is over. Just you wait and see.

Hym “Ok. So. These grawoops have different roles. The role of one side (Let’s call iiiiit... rrrr-East), the East side, is to defend the box. We need the 📦. The other side, (Lets call iiiiiit.... llll-www-Side 2... We’ll call it ‘Side 2!’), their role is to remind the East side that there are people outside of the box and to speak FOR the people outside of the box. Now, you may be wondering ‘But Mr. Dr. Hym! Why can’t the people outside of the box speak for themselves?’ Well, they’re not in the box, silly! That’s not allowed! They aren’t even a part of one of the grawoops! And are, therefore, not even sane! They’re like.... Some kind of... I donno... Schizophrenic horde or something! Now you my be wondering ‘But Captain Lieutenant Always-Right Senior! How do these grawoops interact with each other!?’ Well, what THEY do is.... vie for power... Ooooh... Oh shit! Oh, wait.... Why does this sound familiar? Hmmm... 🤔 Nevermind.
‘What purpose does this box (Hmm... I don’t like that. We need a name for the box. Leeeeeeet’s caaaaaaalllll iiiiiiitt.... Harharachy. The harhararchy!), the harhararchy, serve?’ Well, it allows Dr. Jergal Prophetstork to accrue benefits that he could not earn for himself. Because he had a certain lifestyle before he yelled at a retard. Now, he has a different lifestyle. But HE’S allowed to do it. You are not. And we need the harhararchy! We need him to be able to do that. You don’t need to do it though. So don’t even think about it. Oh, wait, you can’t think about it. Well, don’t talk about it. Oh, wait, you can’t do that either. You’re not in the harhararchy. OH WAIT! There is no YOU. The autonomous individual is a fiction Jordan Peterson uses to advance his power maneuvering writing the confines of the box... Err... Harhararchy.... Yeah, that. And that’s who Jordan Peterson really is: A Social Contract ideologue who used postmodernist power gaming to ascend the harhararchy he could not climb on his own to advance his position and use that position to try and restructure the world in his own warped image by colluding with the politicians to which he has ingratiated himself for the purpose of doing things like (including but not limited to) silencing dissidents by restructuring the online discourse. That is all.” Free speech part 2
by Hym Iam November 17, 2022
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