-Twitter but for people under the age of 13, yet people under 13 arent allowed on the site
-jokes WILL get you banned
-Mental illness around every corner
-Harrassment is against TOS but if YOU get harrassed the harrassing people get no punishment (of course)
-If you dont like fnaf they will hunt you down
Person a: "Whats Gamejolt?"
Person b: "Twitter but with even more Mental Illness!"
by MunkelPunkel September 29, 2023
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idiotic website with shitty moderation....
person 1: Gamejolt moderators banned me over a slightly offensive joke that hurt nobody!!!!!!
person 2: their moderation sucks...
by KaabiiSeuta September 24, 2023
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A website where u can talk with friends and stuff, oh and play games too i guess
Person 1: hey whats your Gamejolt username?
Person 2: oh its @Guest_5092
by Guest_5092 May 7, 2023
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A Person Who Uses The Site Gamejolt.com
Are You A Gamejolter?
by Burger7987 July 21, 2021
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a group chat that is like super cool and i hope they dont get rid of it
player1: hey have you heard off gamejolt firesides

by Louie_thecutestpug July 7, 2021
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EXACTLY three potatoes that are fried beyond belief.
"Gamejolt servers are down again."
by asteria-asteria August 4, 2024
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cool omga 🤯🤯🤯
"@nonbinarykel (gamejolt user) is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooswag"
by bird bird birdiemcflurry August 6, 2022
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