Just the sweetest person in the world. Can be a huge drama queen but so funny too. She is beautiful, gives the best advices and have amazing taste in everything. She is so smart and dances like a queen, she also gives great hugs.
Coline is being really moody.
by yougotacutefaceandabootysofat November 21, 2021
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She is a huge drama queen but she is so funny too. She is beautiful, smart, so kind and she dances like a queen. You can basically tell her everything because she is so open minded and she gives great advises. She is so creative and impressive and she gives great hugs. She can be really annoying but she knows how to put a smile on your face.
Just go get a Coline.
by yougotacutefaceandabootysofat November 21, 2021
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Coline is the moutain's little sister, this is where goats feel the real breath of the wild (and not the Zelda)
Coline thinks Justine is gonna pécho Oscar
Coline is too the name of a girl who's in discord call with me so I can't say she's a phycho, so I will say that Coline is a amazing girl and everyone wants to be like her
Exemple : Oh my god i wish be like Coline, she's absolutely perfect !
by Tortipouss January 21, 2022
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Coline is a very sexy girl but beware, she is not only a dream body. Coline is intelligent, kind and almost always smiling. All boys want to please Coline so if you are lucky enough to get her favor, make sure you stay her favorite. She has a little kleptomania problem but a smile from her will make you forget that she stole your heart.
- Why do you close your eyes?
- Coline dazzles me
by pivocz November 22, 2021
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Colin Ds are usually very kind, self aware, intelligent, and most of all talented. He's a got a great taste of music and can kill it on guitar. A lovely presence to be around that makes everyone near happy. Colin Ds make great friends.
"My friend just released a new song it's so good" "Yo was it Colin D? I love that man"
by Jeremy Chairemy August 13, 2021
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A man with no cock except for the one in his mouth . A personality that even Jeffrey Dahmer would be ashamed of . his face looks like a rabbit ass cheeks . plus he's gay
by Modernwarfare 14 July 30, 2017
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Faggot that brags about his snap score and thinks he is cool because he hangs out with Colin Babcock. He loves 8th grade girls and he thinks he’s going to get laid whenever he hangs out with a girl. Has a stash of unopened condoms from all the times he hasn’t gotten laid
Hey look it’s that skinny freckled retard Colin morrison!
by CC guns💪🏻 October 2, 2019
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